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Easy Proposal Submission Form

This form has been provided as an easy method for you to create and submit your short proposals for the GSRDC. Full proposals will come later but right now we are trying to identify scholars who are interested. We cannot guarantee that your proposal will be accepted but when we are awarded the grant, you will be the first on the list. You will also help the region by bringing the GSRDC to life. 

Don't worry if your proposal is not perfect. We will work with you to correct it. You supply the science, and we will supply the format.

Example abstracts of recently approved projects are available by topic. Click one of the links below: 

Easy Proposal Submission Form

(University, Department, Center, Agency, etc.)
Not required at this time, but may be added. Please include name, degree, position, and affiliation (University, Agency, Department, Center, etc.).
Sell the scientific merit of your study in the form of a standard project abstract (100-250 words).
In one sentence, please explain why you will require GSRDC microdata for your proposed project. For example: Restricted access files will provide geographic information needed to link detailed household-level data on socio-economic characteristics with data on consumption.