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Alisha Bourque, M.S.

Alisha Bourque, M.S., Project Administrator
Phone: 337-482-0512


Ph.D. in Family Therapy (currently pursuing)
University of Louisiana at Monroe
Monroe, LA – 2022 (anticipated)

M.S. in Experimental Psychology
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lafayette, Louisiana – 2012

B.S. in Psychology
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lafayette, Louisiana – 2008

Center Duties
She is involved in the implementation of an early childhood quality monitoring program in various early childhood settings across Louisiana. Her work involves overseeing the quality of the administration of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System, which is used to evaluate the effectiveness of teacher-child interactions in infant, toddler, and preschool classrooms. She also provides training to individuals to become certified observers using the Pre-K and K-3 Classroom Assessment Scoring System. This work has expanded to K-2 classrooms in the state of Louisiana.  She oversees the implementation of CLASS  observations in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade classrooms.

Center Projects
K-2 Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) Observations Implementation Pilot
Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) in early childhood settings

Professional Background
Ten years of experience in evaluative research that includes both quantitative and qualitative elements in the areas of early childhood and education.  Research experience includes working in the area of poverty and families consisting of the evaluation of the Fatherhood Initiative Program and collaboration with the National Center for Children in Poverty.